Friday, August 23, 2013

Betsy Boo

 This poor second child gets way less blog posts and progression pictures taken of her. But she couldn't be more perfect and couldn't have come to us at a more perfect time. During all the craziness of these 2.5 months she has been a little piece of heaven.

@ 1.5-2 months old:

She is already such an good eater, sleeper, and cuddler. She loves being in your arms but will settle in anywhere.

She is alert and loves to be a part of what is going on. She makes eye contact and starts to smile at us, and Finn just can't get enough of it. Which is just perfect because she can't get enough of Finn. She follows him around the room and gets so excited when he comes up to her, even if sometimes
he gets a little too close...

 @ 2-3 months old:
Betsy is so full of personality! She smiles at you no matter what even if she is in the middle of crying.
Tummy time is a happy time for about 2 minutes and when she is done she is DONE
She loves her play mat and is already trying to roll over from her back to her belly
She will sit and play all day if I let her and only cries when it's time to eat or time for a nap.
She loves her Bink still but only when it's time for bed.
She loves to talk and "giggle" with us especially D. Any time he holds her she will just stare up at him and make the sweetest sounds, Daddy's girl in the making.
She has such a sassy cry,  I kind of love it.... she will be super content then in one second she is completely worked up, only to settle right back down when you give her what she wants.

 She is so active and LOVES to kick her feet and grab with her little fingers.
 This is how I found her one morning, she had kicked in her swaddle blanket so much that it pulled her jammies down off her shoulders and even got one arm completely out of the long sleeve. Then of course she was not at all upset, but proud of herself.
Betsy's favorite is when Finn plays in her play mat with her

We love you Boobers and we are so happy that your sweet, content, joyful, patient, and loving personality came to join our family. We are better people with you in our lives and we love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. OH my GOODNESS! She is the cutest baby girl in the world! I love that picture of her smiling so big during tummy time- such a doll! If I wasn't already way baby hungry this post would have done for me, I love how cute Finn and B are together:) I miss her:( and you guys!
