Sunday, June 23, 2013

B's Blessing Weekend

 We blessed Betsy when she was almost 2 weeks old. It was such a special weekend and she was surrounded by so many people who love her so much!! Her Aunt Callie and Uncle-Father Grant came down on Friday night and we were able to spend a few hours with them on Saturday where B got to meet sweet little Emery for the first time.
They were instant BFFs with matching PJ's to prove it.
Then her Pugga, Grandma, Aunt Jamie, and cousins Ellie and Luke joined us Saturday night. Finn was so excited to see his cousins and LOVED every second he got to spend with them!

Finn and Ellie got a long so well, my favorite conversation we over heard when like this--
Ellie: Hey Finn do you love me?
Finn: Yes
Ellie: Good cause I want lots of kisses
Finn gladly obliged 
By then end of the weekend we had to limit the amount of kisses he was giving her :) 
Ellie was so cute putting Finn to bed, she read him a book and sang him songs, then tucked him in with a kiss
The next morning B had lots of help getting ready. She is so lucky to have such an incredible great-aunt Rebecca who preserved the very dress that I was blessed in. It was a gorgeous hand made dress from the Dominican Repulic and it fit her perfectly.
So lucky to have such doting Grandmas!
Getting pampered is hard work! So she peacefully fell asleep in her car seat on the way to church, smoothest morning a momma could have asked for........
 We got to church with a few minutes to spare (it was a "blessing day miracle!") so we decided to take some family pictures. As we pull sweet B out of her car seat we find a massive amount of neon yellow poop covering the back of her sparkling white dress. Of course she would have the very first blowout of her life right now.
We shot a couple of pictures really quick while everyone was ready then rushed to the mother's lounge for some serious clean up.
These were the best smiles Daniel and I could muster
By some miracle the dress came clean and, thanks to some quick thinking by Aunt Jamie, perfectly dry and we were all sitting in the chapel during the opening song like nothing had happened. few!

The blessing was absolutely incredible. B is so blessed to have such an amazing daddy. It was such an incredible experience to sit and witness the power of the priesthood in action.

He is officially wrapped around her little finger

 I had no idea that I was capable of loving these 3 people this much. It makes me so grateful for the blessing of this gospel and for the knowledge that I have that my family will be together for eternity.


  1. she's so beautiful nat!!! What a perfect day.

  2. This is SO sweet! I love the picture of her and D! and you look so cute in the pictures too! I'm excited to bless my baby girl in that dress someday:)
