Wednesday, August 1, 2012

a of fit spontaneity.... and now it's all gone

 After one night of no sleep

followed by a long day of flying

followed by a full day of church

I made an important decision....

being the impulsive spontaneous person that I am, I acted on said decision without quality meditation and contemplation.
I. cut. Finn's. hair.
I know I sound like I'm regretting it--I haven't decided if I am or not. I think he is stinkin' cute no matter what (obviously, but mother or not, with one smile this kid could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves). 

He was a trooper through the whole thing. Getting mini M&M's handed to him even though they entered his mouth with copious amounts of hair, while he sat still, seemed like a fair trade to him!

1 comment:

  1. You're right. He always looks adorable. Your hair is super cute, too!
